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【搶手商品】 [106美國直購] 充電座 DYTesa Apple Pencil Charger Charger Docking Charging Stand Built-In USB -要去哪裡買? 的產品介紹在下面,











PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准!? Portable Apple Pencil Charger: DYTesa Apple Pencil Stand with Apple Pencil Charging Cable, A Durable Desktop Apple Pencil Charger that You Can Leave Plugged in. While there are other ways to charge the Pencil, this is a smart-looking apple pencil accessory that can both charge it and store it.
? Concise Design: A pencil stand and charging station combined, good items for iPad Pro accessories. Nice and sturdy, the Apple Pencil Charging Dock/Stand provides a solid base for charging and holding the Apple Pencil. The stand does come with it's own permanently attached charging cable with a USB connector keeps the charging process simple. Should you ever need to replace the cable, the bottom unscrews and reveals two pan-head screws that hold in the cable head.
產品? 2 in 1 Function: As charging dock or display stand, 2 in 1 function. The round hole in the stand holds the cap while the Pencil is charging in the rectangular hole, or can be used to store the Pencil with the cap attached after charging. Well built, great material, when not in use it's a good safe place to store it where it won't get misplaced. The dock helps to keep the Pencil from rolling off the desk, getting lost or getting in the way.
? Luxury and Space Saving: It looks great sitting next to the iMac and doesn't take up a lot of room. This has solved the problem and looks stylish on table without taking up much space. Plus, the pencil is readily accessible while it is in the charger. Solidly made and a great place to keep the pen charged up while on desk. Looks attractive, is a good spot to keep your Apple Pencil easily accessible and charges the pencil. Display your Apple Pencil on the desk top, making it looks luxury.
? Simply Beautiful Apple Pencil Charger Docking: Charges Your Apple Pencil directly without hunting for and using the little connector that fits onto a charger cord. Easy to use and durable apple pencil charging stand. No SET UP Required, 18-Month Hassle Free Warranty, Prompt & Friendly Customer Service.Product Description
DYTesa Apple Pencil Charger,Charger Docking, Charging Stand Built-In USB Charging Cable SilverIdeal solution for charging the Apple PencilWith a 5FT apple pencil charging cable in this Apple Pencil Charging Dock, you don't have to plug your pencil to your 9.7 / 12.9 inch iPad Pro thus loosing iPad Pro's charge. Just leave it to this apple pencil charging stand and Keeps everything tidy and stored in one place
Portable Apple Pencil ChargerDYTesa Apple Pencil Stand with Apple Pencil Charging Cable, A Durable Desktop Apple Pencil Charger that You Can Leave Plugged in. While there are other ways to charge the Pencil, this is a smart-looking apple pencil accessory that can both charge it and store it.Concise Design
A pencil stand and charging station combined, good items for iPad Pro accessories. Nice and sturdy, the Apple Pencil Charging Dock/Stand provides a solid base for charging and holding the Apple Pencil. The stand does come with it's own permanently attached charging cable with a USB connector keeps the charging process simple. Should you ever need to replace the cable, the bottom unscrews and reveals two pan-head screws that hold in the cable head.?Simply Beautiful Apple Pencil Charger Docking
Charges Your Apple Pencil directly without hunting for and using the little connector that fits onto a charger cord. Easy to use and durable apple pencil charging stand.2 in 1 Function首選戰利品
As charging dock or display stand, 2 in 1 function. The round hole in the stand holds the cap while the Pencil is charging in the rectangular hole, or can be used to store the Pencil with the cap attached after charging. Well built, great material, when not in use it's a good safe place to store it where it won't get misplaced. The dock helps to keep the Pencil from rolling off the desk, getting lost or getting in the way.Product information
Package Dimensions 5.2 x 2.6 x 2.2 inches
Item Weight 5 ounces
Shipping Weight 5.6 ounces
Item model number V-20170403001-LD網購達人熱賣商品



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 新一代設計展 新銳設計師對環境的主張與提案

2018年05月25日 上稿編輯: 賴溫狠 環境資訊中心記者 賴品瑀報導




南台科技大學「STYCUM」設法解決台南漁光島浮棚牡蠣養殖,不停散落保麗龍屑污染海岸的問題,設計了使用風力發電的攔截漂浮垃圾裝置。將裝置設在蚵棚周邊,直接抽吸散落的保麗龍碎屑,一則減少污染、二來漁民可定期去收取,拿去回收還可賺錢。團隊成員沈芊期待市政府能夠看到他們的設計,因為台南正是目前全台蚵棚數量最多的縣市。佛光大學亦有團隊提出「清溝」裝置,運用小巧思,防止垃圾與樹葉進入水溝造成阻塞,也更方便清潔隊員處理。 南台科技大學STYCUM攔截漂浮垃圾裝置。賴品瑀攝。


小組表示,目前台灣新竹、台南、南投都還有竹藝的師傅,希望他們的設計可以為竹藝帶來活力。另一組學生則選了目前只有嘉義、台南還有在種植的「貴黍」,發現這種植物除了傳統拿來邊掃把外,其強韌的特性還可以當線、當隔音棉、做編織等等運用。 南台科技大學「人人製作」團隊的竹藝設計獲得文化資產獎項。賴品瑀攝。

台中科大「有種」團隊,展出杯麵、筆記本形式的可食用植物種植組合,要推廣食農教育。成員劉妤瑄解釋,以泡麵形式設計,是想諷刺現代人吃的速成食品,往往有許多其實並不知道是什麼的東西,他們的設計要提醒人們「I know what I eat.」,親手種植自己的食物不但吃得有機健康,也縮短食物里程。

台北教育大學周允蓁設計一款桌遊「農廠大亂鬥」目前正在集資中,講的是違章工廠污染農地的問題,藉此思考台灣農業的價值與未來走向。 台中科大「有種」團隊要推廣食農教育。賴品瑀攝。

台藝大更有多組創作,有志一同的探討了物種保護、塑膠垃圾等環境問題。萬向欣的「under 1.0」是根據IUCN分級,手繪了12張不同地區的野生動物,以視力檢查表的形式,無危等級畫的最大,接著按等級逐漸縮小,「越小越看不到了」,萬向欣以此提醒許多生物面臨滅絕。

「黑色生態」團隊則以黴菌顏料,為多種瀕危動物作畫;隨著時間黴菌會逐漸浮現,越來越清晰,旁邊也講述著每種動物因各種原因而數量減少,團隊成員詹舒評表示,例如露脊鯨與船隻相撞,穿山甲、黃胸鵐因人類的口腹之慾、盔犀鳥甚至是因為造型特殊的頭骨而淪槍下亡魂。 台藝大「黑色生態」團隊以黴菌顏料,為多種瀕危動物作畫。賴品瑀攝。


「FOOT PRINT」團隊挑選了台灣最常進出口的13項貨物,翻模後寄往世界各地,利用以覆寫紙包裝這些模型,在運送中碰撞擠壓的痕跡,把「碳足跡」視覺化,展示光鮮亮麗的全球化貿易,其實隱藏了巨大的碳足跡危害。 「海洋革命號」以台灣各地海灘上撿拾的各種塑膠袋創作。賴品瑀攝。 「海洋革命號」以台灣各地海灘上撿拾的各種塑膠袋創作。賴品瑀攝。 延伸閱讀

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